Sunday, July 12, 2020

New Emily Ratajkowski Naked Selfie Leaked, pub-1642391381666085, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
New Emily Ratajkowski Naked Selfie Leaked
May 4th 2015, 16:22, by Durka Durka Mohammed

Emily Ratajkowski naked

Model Emily Ratajkowski just had this new naked selfie photo leaked to the Web.

As you may remember, Emily Ratajkowski had a great number of nude private pictures leaked during “the fappening” last year. However, with the leak of this new photo it is clear that either all of her photos were not leaked, or in an even more likely scenario, she is taking new ones and leaking them herself for attention.

Regardless of how this photo got out, the important issue is that once again Emily Ratajkowski is offending Islam by brazenly showing off her impossibly feminine completely nude body for all to see. If Emily wants to take a bunch of nude photos to send to her “Gone Girl” co-star Ben Affleck to get him to cheat on his wife that is fine. But for Allah’s sake she must delete the photos afterwards, so that she stops defiling our pious Muslim eyes with her bulbous breasts and smooth snatch.

New Kim Kardashian Naked Selfie Leaked, pub-1642391381666085, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
New Kim Kardashian Naked Selfie Leaked
May 5th 2015, 04:46, by Durka Durka Mohammed

Kim Kardashian naked selfie

A new naked Kim Kardashian selfie has just been leaked online. This nude photo along with the other two lingerie pics posted below are reportedly from Kim’s soon to be released autobiography titled “Selfish”.

When Kim walked into the office of a big time New York publisher and told him that she wanted to write her memoirs, the publisher was skeptical as books generally average around 80,000 words and Kim is barely literate. However, the next day Kim Kardashian came back and plopped an old shoebox filled with 82 extremely dirty selfie photos on the publisher’s desk, and informed him that a picture is worth a thousand words so she has given him an extra two thousand for the editors to play with.

Needless to say the publisher knows a hit novel when he sees it, and Kim’s “Selfish” book of explicit selfies will certainly be on the New York Times best sellers list for years to come, for the infidel public’s appetite for depravity and celebrity tell-alls knows no bounds. The chapter titled “My Gaping Asshole” is supposed to be especially revealing.


Kim KardashianKim KardashianKim Kardashian

Cara Delevingne Eyebrow Raising Topless Pic

Cara Delevingne Eyebrow Raising Topless Pic
Jun 28th 2015, 17:10, by Durka Durka Mohammed

Cara Delevingne topless

Lesbo model Cara Delevingne shows off her famous big bushy eyebrows and bare titty in the new topless photo above.

With such righteously hairy eyebrows it always seemed like such a shame to us Muslim men that Cara would continually commit vile acts of lesbodyking with the likes of Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and Kendall Jenner. However, after seeing that Cara’s shaggy pubes are confined to her forehead and do not coat her sex organs like we would have hoped, we no longer feel any regret about her blasphemous choice in sexuality and one day soon we will be able to stone her with a clear conscious.

Yes with this topless photo of her shamefully hairless boobie Cara Delevingne has shown that she is a completely useless woman. For even if she was covered in a layer of thick erotic pubic hair, it would not be without some reluctance that we banged her. Now that we know that she is hair free, there will be no hesitation when we bang her… with our righteous stoning rocks.