Sunday, July 12, 2020

New Emily Ratajkowski Naked Selfie Leaked, pub-1642391381666085, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
New Emily Ratajkowski Naked Selfie Leaked
May 4th 2015, 16:22, by Durka Durka Mohammed

Emily Ratajkowski naked

Model Emily Ratajkowski just had this new naked selfie photo leaked to the Web.

As you may remember, Emily Ratajkowski had a great number of nude private pictures leaked during “the fappening” last year. However, with the leak of this new photo it is clear that either all of her photos were not leaked, or in an even more likely scenario, she is taking new ones and leaking them herself for attention.

Regardless of how this photo got out, the important issue is that once again Emily Ratajkowski is offending Islam by brazenly showing off her impossibly feminine completely nude body for all to see. If Emily wants to take a bunch of nude photos to send to her “Gone Girl” co-star Ben Affleck to get him to cheat on his wife that is fine. But for Allah’s sake she must delete the photos afterwards, so that she stops defiling our pious Muslim eyes with her bulbous breasts and smooth snatch.

New Kim Kardashian Naked Selfie Leaked, pub-1642391381666085, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
New Kim Kardashian Naked Selfie Leaked
May 5th 2015, 04:46, by Durka Durka Mohammed

Kim Kardashian naked selfie

A new naked Kim Kardashian selfie has just been leaked online. This nude photo along with the other two lingerie pics posted below are reportedly from Kim’s soon to be released autobiography titled “Selfish”.

When Kim walked into the office of a big time New York publisher and told him that she wanted to write her memoirs, the publisher was skeptical as books generally average around 80,000 words and Kim is barely literate. However, the next day Kim Kardashian came back and plopped an old shoebox filled with 82 extremely dirty selfie photos on the publisher’s desk, and informed him that a picture is worth a thousand words so she has given him an extra two thousand for the editors to play with.

Needless to say the publisher knows a hit novel when he sees it, and Kim’s “Selfish” book of explicit selfies will certainly be on the New York Times best sellers list for years to come, for the infidel public’s appetite for depravity and celebrity tell-alls knows no bounds. The chapter titled “My Gaping Asshole” is supposed to be especially revealing.


Kim KardashianKim KardashianKim Kardashian

Cara Delevingne Eyebrow Raising Topless Pic

Cara Delevingne Eyebrow Raising Topless Pic
Jun 28th 2015, 17:10, by Durka Durka Mohammed

Cara Delevingne topless

Lesbo model Cara Delevingne shows off her famous big bushy eyebrows and bare titty in the new topless photo above.

With such righteously hairy eyebrows it always seemed like such a shame to us Muslim men that Cara would continually commit vile acts of lesbodyking with the likes of Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and Kendall Jenner. However, after seeing that Cara’s shaggy pubes are confined to her forehead and do not coat her sex organs like we would have hoped, we no longer feel any regret about her blasphemous choice in sexuality and one day soon we will be able to stone her with a clear conscious.

Yes with this topless photo of her shamefully hairless boobie Cara Delevingne has shown that she is a completely useless woman. For even if she was covered in a layer of thick erotic pubic hair, it would not be without some reluctance that we banged her. Now that we know that she is hair free, there will be no hesitation when we bang her… with our righteous stoning rocks.

Emma Roberts Flaunts Her Tiny Tits With Deep Cleavage Jumper

Emma Roberts Flaunts Her Tiny Tits With Deep Cleavage Jumper
Jul 11th 2016, 17:59, by Durka Durka Mohammed

Emma Roberts cleavage

Emma Roberts flaunts her tiny titties while walking the streets of New York showing off deep cleavage in an extremely low cut jumper in the photos below.


Emma RobertsEmma RobertsEmma Roberts
Emma RobertsEmma RobertsEmma Roberts
Emma RobertsEmma RobertsEmma Roberts

Emma Roberts is actress Julia Roberts’ niece, and Emma appears to be auditioning to take over her Aunt’s role of a degenerate street walker prostitute in the upcoming “Pretty Woman” remake. As you can see in the photos above and video below, the slutty gonorrhea riddled apple does not fall far from the tree, as Emma does an excellent job of looking like a depraved crack whore who would blow a guy behind a dumpster for 20 bucks.

Unfortunately for Emma Roberts the only celebrity offspring us virile Muslim men are interested in purchasing sexual services from is Reese Witherspoon’s daughter Ava Phillippe (pictured with her mother below).

Reese Witherspoon Ava Phillippe

Although at 16-years-old Ava is fast losing her appeal, and her father Ryan Phillippe would be wise to accept a certain Muslim blogger’s generous offer of three camel hair blankets, a half tanker of insecticide, and a baggie full of Jew teeth for the pleasure of taking his daughter’s maidenhead.

Bella Thorne vs Bella Hadid In A Nipples Battle

Bella Thorne vs Bella Hadid In A Nipples Battle
Jul 14th 2016, 17:24, by Durka Durka Mohammed

Bella Thorne nipple

18-year-old actress Bella Thorne (pictured above) takes on 19-year-old super model Bella Hadid (pictured below) in a see through to the nipples battle.

Bella Hadid nipples

So which Bellas’ tit toppers reign supreme? Normally that would be difficult to say as everything about a woman’s sinful breasts is an abomination in the eyes of Allah. However, in this case Bella Hadid is half Muslimina (as her father is a Palestinian), and so her boobs are significantly better.

Bella Hadid nipples

Yes thanks to years of selective Muslim breeding practices Bella Hadid’s titties are of much higher quality stock then Bella Thorne’s. To put it another way, if boobs were horses then Bella Hadid’s would be champion thoroughbreds, and Bella Thorne’s would be on their way to the glue factory.

Of course only a virile Muslim man has the skills necessary to ride Bella Hadid’s well formed chesticles. For it takes whipping with a mighty meat stick to properly race her boobs to the finish line, and then release a celebratory blast of man fizz all over Bella Hadid’s face.

Ariana Grande And Selena Gomez Show Their Nipples In See Thru Tops

Ariana Grande And Selena Gomez Show Their Nipples In See Thru Tops
Jun 13th 2016, 09:50, by Durka Durka Mohammed

Ariana Grande nipple

Pop stars Ariana Grande and Selena Gomez both showed off their sinful hard nipples to their fans while in see through tops this weekend.

After what happened to “Voice” singer Christina Grimmie after her show in Orlando this weekend both Ariana and Selena now know that it can be hazardous to their health if they fail to satisfy the depraved appetites of their rabid fanbases, so it is not at all surprising that they both cut out all the cock teasing and just popped out their teats like this.

Selena Gomez nipple

Selena Gomez nipple

Of course if Ariana and Selena want to error on the side of caution then they should start spreading their butt cheeks and gaping their assholes onstage and at their fan meet and greets. Selena should especially consider this option since she gets quite close to her degenerate devotees in photos like the ones above. For certainly both girls would greatly prefer getting shot up with loads instead of bullets.

Selena Gomez In Concert Ass Video

Selena Gomez In Concert Ass Video
Jun 24th 2016, 18:07, by Durka Durka Mohammed

Selena Gomez booty

As you can see in the photo above and video below, Selena Gomez is currently traveling the world prostituting her ass in concert for her “Revival Tour”.

It must be difficult for Selena Gomez to be onstage without a donkey by her side like she use to have in her performances back in her hometown of Tijuana, Mexico. Yes Selena has had to learn a whole new stage show now that she is a mainstream star, and so instead of simply getting her ass pounded out by “El Grande Burro” Selena now must utilize her backside by strutting it across the stage in shiny tight slut suits.

Even though Selena clearly misses her donkey friends, she almost certainly enjoys not being pelted with empty tequila bottles and making an extra 3 pesos every night now that she no longer has to share her tips with barn animals. Of course Selena’s current live show is lacking in the electric sexual chemistry which helped make her the Friday night headliner at many of the top donkey show venues in Tijuana.

Selena Gomez Full Nipple Slip For Her Fans

Selena Gomez Full Nipple Slip For Her Fans
Jun 30th 2016, 17:12, by Durka Durka Mohammed

Selena Gomez nipple

Selena Gomez has finally done it, as she fully exposes her sinful nipple while taking photos with her fans at a VIP meet and greet in the photo above.

Selena has been teasing showing off her nipples at these meet and greets for months, as she would often pose with hard nip pokies in a tight nearly see through shirt. However, now Selena has gone all the way by wearing a strategically ripped up t-shirt with no bra so that one of her tit toppers clearly hangs out flapping in the breeze.

Selena Gomez nipple

This sort of brazen nipple whoring should not go unpunished, as Selena Gomez’s areola deserves a good hard tongue lashing from a virile Muslim man. Once her nips are swollen and chaffed from being slobbered and suckled on by a Muslim she will think twice about flaunting them in public like this again.

Selena Gomez nipple

Now that the bar has been lowered with this nipple display, who knows what depraved act Selena will do next? However, what is for certain is that Selena will not stop pushing the degenerate envelop until she is spreading her ass cheeks and gaping her butthole on camera… and even then her perverse appetite for exhibitionism may not be satiated.

Selena Gomez Flaunts Her Camel Toe For Her Fans

Selena Gomez Flaunts Her Camel Toe For Her Fans
Jul 11th 2016, 12:14, by Durka Durka Mohammed

Selena Gomez camel toe

Selena Gomez flaunts her camel toe while at a meet and greet with fans in the photo above, and then takes the stage, spreads her legs, and sticks her fat pussy into the camera in the video below.

We have already seen Selena Gomez brazenly show her fans her nipples twice (here and here) on her “Revival” tour, so we knew it was only a matter of time before Selena got her meaty lady lips in on the degenerate action.

Selena Gomez camel toe

Obviously Selena is still just testing the waters with this camel toe display, and it won’t be long now until her loose piss flaps are hanging out of her slut suit while she prances around the stage lip-syncing to her horrible music. One can only hope that Selena’s tour gets canceled before she resorts to spreading her butt cheeks while fist f*cking her own asshole… for we know that Selena is ready and willing.

Katy Perry Nude Hardcore Photo Shoot, pub-1642391381666085, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Katy Perry Nude Hardcore Photo Shoot
Jul 15th 2016, 18:39, by Durka Durka Mohammed

Katy Perry nude sex

Kate Perry finally gets naked and engages in hardcore sex in the photo shoot below from the new issue of “Jezebel Jizz Whores Monthly”.

Frankly this nude sex Katy Perry photo shoot is underwhelming, as Katy easily handles this infidel’s teeny tiny weenie. Us Muslims are accustomed to seeing tears of pleasure, the blissful grimaces of agony, and the oh so erotic horrified screams of joy when women like Katy try to take on our enormous tunic snakes in their orifices and feel her bodies being split in two.

Yes if Katy Perry were getting properly sexed by a virile Muslim in these photos you better believe that she would not be calmly grinning like a damn fool, and she’d wake up the next day feeling like she got hit by a truck. For when a powerful Muslim plows through something devastation always ensues; whether that be in a woman’s loins or a crowd in the south of France.


Katy PerryKaty PerryKaty Perry
Katy PerryKaty PerryKaty Perry
Katy PerryKaty PerryKaty Perry
Katy PerryKaty PerryKaty Perry